3401.4.1 Existing Materials
Materials already in use in a building in compliance with requirements or approvals in effect at the time of their erection or installation shall be permitted to remain in use unless determined by the building official to be dangerous to life, health or safety. Where such conditions are determined to be dangerous to life, health or safety, they shall be mitigated or made safe.
Primary Function
A primary function is a major activity for which the facility is intended. Areas that contain a primary function include, but are not limited to, the customer service lobby of a bank, the dining area of a cafeteria, the meeting rooms in a conference center, as well as offices and other work areas in which the activities of the public accommodation or other private entity using the facility are carried out. Mechanical rooms, boiler rooms, supply storage rooms, employee lounges or locker rooms, janitorial closets, entrances, corridors and restrooms are not areas containing primary function,
Section 3405 Repairs
3405.1 General
Buildings and structures, and parts thereof, shall be repaired in compliance with this section and Section 3401.2 Work on nondamaged components that is necessary for the required repair of damaged components shall be considered part of the repair and shall not be subject to the requirements for alterations in this chapter. Routine maintenance required by Section 3401.2 ordinary repairs exempt from approval and in accordance with Section 102.10 and abatement of wear due to normal service conditions shall not be subject to the requirements for repairs in this section.
(A sentence or two as to how this will impact our budgets in user friendly language.)